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August 31, 2020

Clustering Moodle on Multiple Servers for High Availability and Scalability

Moodle is an open-source e-learning platform (aka Learning Management System) that is widely adopted by educational institutions to create and administer online courses. For larger student bodies and higher volumes of instruction, moodle must be...

August 21, 2020

MySQL Storage Engine Optimization: Configuring InnoDB Optimization For High Performance

InnoDB is one of the most widely used storage engines in MySQL. This storage engine is known as a high-reliability and a high-performance storage engine and its key advantages include supporting row-level locking, foreign keys...

August 19, 2020

Best DBaaS Solution for MySQL

As the most popular open source database, MySQL has been implemented in many places, from small startups to very large organizations. Use cases vary from simple website applications to mission critical environments with 99.999% uptime...

June 26, 2020

Multi-Cloud Galera Cluster on AWS and Azure via Asynchronous Replication

In this blog post, we are going to set up two Galera-based Clusters running on Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7, one for the production and one for the disaster recovery (DR). We will use ClusterControl to...

June 22, 2020

Online Migration from MySQL 5.6 Non-GTID to MySQL 5.7 with GTID

In this blog post, we are going to look into how to perform online migration from MySQL 5.6 standalone setup to a new replication set running on MySQL 5.7, deployed and managed by ClusterControl.  The...

June 18, 2020

Multi-Cloud Deployment for MySQL Replication

In recent years, the use of platform infrastructure has shifted from on-premise to cloud computing. This is based on the absence of cost capital costs that must be incurred by the company if used when...

June 11, 2020

How to Reduce Replication Lag in Multi-Cloud Deployments

Replication lag is an inevitable occurrence for multi-cloud database deployments, as it causes delays of transactions to reflect into the target node or cluster. When implementing a multi-cloud database deployment, the most common scenario (and...

June 8, 2020

Eliminating MySQL Split-Brain in Multi-Cloud Databases

These days databases spanning across multiple clouds are quite common. They promise high availability and possibility to easily implement disaster recovery procedures. They are also a method to avoid vendor lock-in: if you design your...

May 26, 2020

MySQL Workbench Alternatives – ClusterControl’s Point-and-Click GUI

Many would agree that having a graphical user interface is more efficient and less prone to human error when managing or administering a system. Graphical user interface (GUI) greatly helps reduce the steep learning curve...

May 19, 2020

proxysql-admin Alternatives – ClusterControl ProxySQL GUI

ProxySQL is a very popular proxy in MySQL environments. It comes with a nice set of features including read/write splitting, query caching and query rewriting. ProxySQL stores its configuration in SQLite database, configuration changes can...

May 14, 2020

pt-query-digest Alternatives – MySQL Query Management & Monitoring with ClusterControl

When your database workload is over stressed, you first want to look at what queries are running in an attempt to see the pattern of the query. Is it write heavy? Read heavy? Where is...

May 13, 2020

Comparing Amazon RDS Point-in-Time Recovery to ClusterControl

The Amazon Relational Database Service (AWS RDS) is a fully-managed database service which can support multiple database engines. Among those supported are PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MariaDB. ClusterControl, on the other hand, is a database management...

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