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June 13, 2018

Managing MySQL, MongoDB & PostgreSQL with ChatOps from Slack

What is ChatOps?   Nowadays, we make use of multiple communication channels to manage or receive information from our systems, such as email, chat and applications among others. If we could centralize this in one...

June 12, 2018

How to Benchmark Performance of MySQL & MariaDB Using SysBench

What is SysBench? If you work with MySQL on a regular basis, then you most probably have heard of it. SysBench has been in the MySQL ecosystem for a long time. It was originally written...

June 7, 2018

Running a MariaDB Galera Cluster Without Container Orchestration Tools: Part One

Container orchestration tools simplify the running of a distributed system, by deploying and redeploying containers and handling any failures that occur. One might need to move applications around, e.g., to handle updates, scaling, or underlying...

June 1, 2018

How to Recover Galera Cluster or MySQL Replication From Split Brain Syndrome

You may have heard about the term “split brain”. What it is? How does it affect your clusters? In this blog post we will discuss what exactly it is, what danger it may pose to...

May 30, 2018

Webinar Replay: How to Migrate to Galera Cluster for MySQL & MariaDB

Watch the replay of this webinar with Severalnines Support Engineer Bart Oles, as he walks us through what you need to know in order to migrate from standalone or a master-slave MySQL/MariaDB setup to Galera...

May 21, 2018

Understanding Deadlocks in MySQL & PostgreSQL

Working with databases, concurrency control is the concept that ensures that database transactions are performed concurrently without violating data integrity. There is a lot of theory and different approaches around this concept and how to...

May 18, 2018

Cloud Disaster Recovery for MariaDB and MySQL

MySQL has a long tradition in geographic replication. Distributing clusters to remote data centers reduces the effects of geographic latency by pushing data closer to the user. It also provides a capability for disaster recovery....

May 15, 2018

Safeguarding your Data with ClusterControl

In the past four posts of the blog series, we covered deployment of clustering/replication (MySQL/Galera, MySQL Replication, MongoDB & PostgreSQL), management & monitoring of your existing databases and clusters, performance monitoring and health and in...

May 11, 2018

My MySQL Database is Corrupted… What Do I Do Now?

How do MySQL tables get corrupted? There are many ways to spoil data files. Often, corruption is due to defects in the underlying platform, which MySQL relies on to store and retrieve data - disk...

May 2, 2018

How to Overcome Accidental Data Deletion in MySQL & MariaDB

Someone accidently deleted part of the database. Someone forgot to include a WHERE clause in a DELETE query, or they dropped the wrong table. Things like that may and will happen, it is inevitable and...

April 26, 2018

How to do Point-in-Time Recovery of MySQL & MariaDB Data Using ClusterControl

Backups are crucial when it comes to safety of data. They are the ultimate disaster recovery solution - you have no database nodes reachable and your datacenter could literally have gone up in smoke, but...

April 24, 2018

Automation and Management of Open Source Databases in the Cloud – Announcing ClusterControl 1.6

Today we are excited to announce the 1.6 release of ClusterControl - the all-inclusive database management system that lets you easily deploy, monitor, manage and scale highly available open source databases - and load balancers...

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