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November 7, 2019

An Overview of Cluster-to-Cluster Replication

Nowadays, it’s pretty common to have a database replicated in another server/datacenter, and it’s also a must in some cases. There are different reasons to replicate your databases to a totally separate environment.  Migrate to...

November 6, 2019

Announcing ClusterControl 1.7.4: Cluster-to-Cluster Replication – Ultimate Disaster Recovery

We’re excited to announce the 1.7.4 release of ClusterControl - the only database management system you’ll ever need to take control of your open source database infrastructure.  In this release we launch a new function...

November 5, 2019

Tips for Migrating from Proprietary to Open Source Databases

Back in the day proprietary databases were the only acceptable options.  “No one ever got fired for buying from Oracle/Microsoft/IBM” was the saying.  Huge, monolithic databases used for every single purpose. Paid support - that’s how...

November 4, 2019

Building a Hot Standby on Amazon AWS Using MariaDB Cluster

Galera Cluster 4.0 was first released as part of the MariaDB 10.4 and there are a lot of significant improvements in this version release. The most impressive feature in this release is the Streaming Replication...

November 1, 2019

Database Load Balancing in the Cloud – MySQL Master Failover with ProxySQL 2.0: Part One (Deployment)

The cloud provides very flexible environments to work with. You can easily scale it up and down by adding or removing nodes. If there’s a need, you can easily create a clone of your environment....

October 28, 2019

Deploying a Highly Available Nextcloud with MySQL Galera Cluster and GlusterFS

Nextcloud is an open source file sync and share application that offers free, secure, and easily accessible cloud file storage, as well as a number of tools that extend its feature set. It's very similar...

October 25, 2019

A Guide to MySQL Galera Cluster Streaming Replication: Part Two

In the first part of this blog we provided an overview of the new Streaming Replication feature in MySQL Galera Cluster. In this blog we will show you how to enable it and take a...

October 24, 2019

A Guide to MySQL Galera Cluster Streaming Replication: Part One

Streaming Replication is a new feature which was introduced with the 4.0 release of Galera Cluster. Galera uses replication synchronously across the entire cluster, but before this release write-sets greater than 2GB were not supported....

October 14, 2019

MySQL Cloud Backup and Restore Scenarios Using Microsoft Azure

Backups are a very important part of your database operations, as your business must be secured when catastrophe strikes. When that time comes (and it will), your Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Recovery Time Objective...

October 10, 2019

Using MySQL Galera Cluster Replication to Create a Geo-Distributed Cluster: Part Two

In the previous blog in the series we discussed the pros and cons of using Galera Cluster to create geo-distributed cluster. In this post we will design a Galera-based geo-distributed cluster and we will show...

October 9, 2019

Using MySQL Galera Cluster Replication to Create a Geo-Distributed Cluster: Part One

It is quite common to see databases distributed across multiple geographical locations. One scenario for doing this type of setup is for disaster recovery, where your standby data center is located in a separate location...

October 8, 2019

How to Create a Clone of Your MySQL or PostgreSQL Database Cluster

If you are managing a production database, chances are high that you’ve had to clone your database to a different server other than the production server. The basic method of creating a clone is to...

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