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June 1, 2018

How to Recover Galera Cluster or MySQL Replication From Split Brain Syndrome

You may have heard about the term “split brain”. What it is? How does it affect your clusters? In this blog post we will discuss what exactly it is, what danger it may pose to...

May 30, 2018

Webinar Replay: How to Migrate to Galera Cluster for MySQL & MariaDB

Watch the replay of this webinar with Severalnines Support Engineer Bart Oles, as he walks us through what you need to know in order to migrate from standalone or a master-slave MySQL/MariaDB setup to Galera...

May 18, 2018

Cloud Disaster Recovery for MariaDB and MySQL

MySQL has a long tradition in geographic replication. Distributing clusters to remote data centers reduces the effects of geographic latency by pushing data closer to the user. It also provides a capability for disaster recovery....

May 2, 2018

How to Overcome Accidental Data Deletion in MySQL & MariaDB

Someone accidently deleted part of the database. Someone forgot to include a WHERE clause in a DELETE query, or they dropped the wrong table. Things like that may and will happen, it is inevitable and...

April 26, 2018

How to do Point-in-Time Recovery of MySQL & MariaDB Data Using ClusterControl

Backups are crucial when it comes to safety of data. They are the ultimate disaster recovery solution - you have no database nodes reachable and your datacenter could literally have gone up in smoke, but...

April 24, 2018

Automation and Management of Open Source Databases in the Cloud – Announcing ClusterControl 1.6

Today we are excited to announce the 1.6 release of ClusterControl - the all-inclusive database management system that lets you easily deploy, monitor, manage and scale highly available open source databases - and load balancers...

April 10, 2018

How to Make Your MySQL or MariaDB Database Highly Available on AWS and Google Cloud

Running databases on cloud infrastructure is getting increasingly popular these days. Although a cloud VM may not be as reliable as an enterprise-grade server, the main cloud providers offer a variety of tools to increase...

April 5, 2018

Capacity Planning for MySQL and MariaDB – Dimensioning Storage Size

Server manufacturers and cloud providers offer different kinds of storage solutions to cater for your database needs. When buying a new server or choosing a cloud instance to run our database, we often ask ourselves...

March 28, 2018

Webinar Replay: How to Design Open Source Databases for High Availability

Thanks for joining this week’s webinar on how to design open source databases for high availability with Ashraf Sharif, Senior Support Engineer at Severalnines. From discussing high availability concepts through to failover or switch over...

March 19, 2018

Getting Started with ProxySQL – MySQL & MariaDB Load Balancing Tutorial

We’re excited to announce a major update to our tutorial “Database Load Balancing for MySQL and MariaDB with ProxySQL” ProxySQL is a lightweight yet complex protocol-aware proxy that sits between the MySQL clients and servers....

March 15, 2018

Comparing Oracle RAC HA Solution to Galera Cluster for MySQL or MariaDB

Business has continuously desired to derive insights from information to make reliable, smarter, real-time, fact-based decisions. As firms rely more on data and databases, information and data processing is the core of many business operations...

March 8, 2018

Transparent Database Failover for Your Applications

ClusterControl is a great tool to deploy and manage databases clusters - if you are into MySQL, you can easily deploy clusters based on both traditional MySQL master-slave replication, Galera Cluster or MySQL NDB Cluster....

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