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September 26, 2018

Webinar Replay: Monitoring on Steroids for MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL and MongoDB

Thanks for joining us this week for our webinar on monitoring MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL and MongoDB with freely available community tools and more specifically one: ClusterControl Community Edition. The replay and slides are now available...

September 25, 2018

Write Your First Advisor

Did you ever wonder what triggers the advice in ClusterControl that your disk is filling up? Or the advice to create primary keys on InnoDB tables if they don’t exist? These advisors are mini scripts...

September 21, 2018

Operational Reports for MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL & MongoDB

The majority of DBA’s perform health checks on their databases every now and then. Usually, it would happen on a daily or weekly basis. We previously discussed why such checks are important and what they...

September 19, 2018

How to Monitor Multiple MySQL Instances Running on the Same Machine – ClusterControl Tips & Tricks

Requires ClusterControl 1.6 or later. Applies to MySQL based instances/clusters. On some occasions, you might want to run multiple instances of MySQL on a single machine. You might want to give different users access to...

September 18, 2018

Custom Graphs to Monitor Your MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB and PostgreSQL Systems – ClusterControl Tips & Tricks

Graphs are important, as they are your window onto your monitored systems. ClusterControl comes with a predefined set of graphs for you to analyze, these are built on top of the metric sampling done by...

September 17, 2018

ClusterControl Performance and Health Monitoring

In the previous two blog posts we covered both deploying the four types of clustering/replication (MySQL/Galera, MySQL Replication, MongoDB & PostgreSQL) and managing/monitoring your existing databases and clusters. So, after reading these two first blog...

September 12, 2018

How to Deploy a Production-Ready MySQL or MariaDB Galera Cluster Using ClusterControl

Deploying a database cluster is not rocket science - there are many how-to’s on how to do that. But how do you know what you just deployed is production-ready? Manual deployments can also be tedious...

September 4, 2018

Agentless Database Monitoring with ClusterControl

With the growing complexity of database setups, many SysAdmins and DBAs are turning to an agentless approach to help ease the burden of database monitoring challenges. ClusterControl's agentless monitoring allows you to monitor databases without...

August 20, 2018

Database Security Monitoring for MySQL and MariaDB

Data protection is one of the most significant aspects of administering a database. Depending on the organizational structure, whether you are a developer, sysadmin or DBA, if you are managing the production database, you must...

July 26, 2018

Webinar Replay: Disaster Recovery Planning for MySQL & MariaDB

Everyone should have a disaster recovery plan for MySQL & MariaDB! Watch the replay of our webinar with Vinay Joosery, CEO at Severalnines, on Disaster Recovery Planning for MySQL & MariaDB with ClusterControl Organizations need...

July 24, 2018

How to Set Up Asynchronous Replication Between MySQL Galera Clusters

The Galera Cluster enforces strong data consistency, where all nodes in the cluster are tightly coupled. Although network segmentation is supported, replication performance is still bound by two factors: The round trip time (RTT) to...

July 20, 2018

6 Common Failure Scenarios for MySQL & MariaDB, and How to Fix Them

It this blog post, we will analyze 6 different failure scenarios in production database systems, ranging from single-server issues to multi-datacenter failover plans. We will walk you through recovery and failover procedures for the respective...

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