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March 13, 2017

MySQL in the Cloud – Online Migration from Amazon RDS to Your own Server: Part2

As we saw earlier, it might be challenging for companies to move their data out of RDS for MySQL. In the first part of this blog, we showed you how to set up your target...

March 13, 2017

MySQL in the Cloud – Online Migration From Amazon RDS to EC2 Instance: Part One

In our previous blog, we saw how easy it is to get started with RDS for MySQL. It is a convenient way to deploy and use MySQL, without worrying about operational overhead. The tradeoff though...

March 10, 2017

Webinar Replay: How to Secure MongoDB with ClusterControl

Join us for our new webinar on “How to secure MongoDB with ClusterControl” on Tuesday, March 14th! In this webinar we will walk you through the essential steps necessary to secure MongoDB and how to...

March 2, 2017

MongoDB Tools From the Community that Complement ClusterControl

Since MongoDB is the favored database for many developers, it comes to no surprise that the community support is excellent. You can quickly find answers to most of your problems on knowledge sites like Stack...

February 28, 2017

Monitoring & Securing MongoDB with ClusterControl Advisors

Database ops management consists of 80% reading and interpreting your monitoring systems. Hundreds of metrics can be interpreted and combined in various ways to give you deep insights into your database systems and how to...

February 23, 2017

How MongoDB Database Automation Improves Security

The growing number of cyberattacks on open source database deployments highlights the industry’s poor administrative and operational practices. If 2016 taught us anything, it was the importance of sound operational practices and security measures in...

February 22, 2017

Video: How to Secure MongoDB

Recently the IT world has seen a lot of news about tens of thousands of unsecured MongoDB instances that have been hacked and held for ransom. In his blog “How to Secure MongoDB from Ransonware...

February 21, 2017

Top MongoDB Resources

As we continue to announce all the great new features in ClusterControl we have been developing for MongoDB we always want to take a moment to look back at some of the top content from...

February 21, 2017

Let the new ClusterControl Secure Your MongoDB Deployments

Today we’re happy to tell you about our release of ClusterControl for MongoDB, which completes our vision to let you fully manage MongoDB whether on premise or in the cloud. Our team has spent the...

February 16, 2017

Video Interview with ProxySQL Creator René Cannaò

In anticipation of this month’s webinar MySQL & MariaDB Load Balancing with ProxySQL & ClusterControl that will happen on February 28th Severalnines sat down with the creator of ProxySQL founder and creator René Cannaò to...

February 14, 2017

MySQL & MariaDB Load Balancing with ProxySQL

Proxies are building blocks of high availability setups for MySQL and MariaDB. They can detect failed nodes and route queries to hosts which are still available. If your master failed and you had to promote...

February 9, 2017

How to Deploy and Manage MySQL Multi-Master Replication Setups With ClusterControl 1.4

MySQL replication setups can take different shapes. The main topology is probably a simple master-slave setup. But it is also possible to construct more elaborate setups with multiple masters and chained setups. ClusterControl 1.4 takes...

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