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May 28, 2019

How to Automate Deployment of MySQL Galera Cluster using s9s CLI and Chef

In our previous blog, we showed how devops can automate your daily database tasks with Chef. Now, let's see how we can quickly deploy a MySQL Galera Cluster with Chef using s9s CLI. Setting up...

May 14, 2019

Database-Aware Load Balancing: How to Migrate from HAProxy to ProxySQL

HAProxy and ProxySQL are both very popular load balancers in MySQL world, but there is a significant difference between both those proxies. We will not go into details here, you can read more about HAProxy...

May 9, 2019

How to Deploy PostgreSQL to a Docker Container Using ClusterControl

Docker has become the most common tool to create, deploy, and run applications by using containers. It allows us to package up an application with all of the parts it needs, such as libraries and...

May 7, 2019

How to Automate Database Failover with ClusterControl

Recovery Time Objective (RTO) is the time period within which a service must be restored to avoid unacceptable consequences. By calculating how long it can take to recover from a database failure, we can know...

May 3, 2019

Introducing ClusterControl Spotlight Search

Included in the latest release, ClusterControl 1.7.2 introduces our new and exciting search functionality we’re calling “ClusterControl Spotlight.” ClusterControl Spotlight allows you to... Navigate the application faster Execute any action from any page within the...

May 2, 2019

How to Use pgBackRest to Backup PostgreSQL and TimescaleDB

Your data is probably the most valuable assets in the company, so you should have a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) to prevent data loss in the event of an accident or hardware failure. A backup...

April 29, 2019

An Overview of Streaming Replication for TimescaleDB

Nowadays, replication is a given in a high availability and fault tolerant environment for pretty much any database technology that you’re using. It is a topic that we have seen over and over again, but...

April 26, 2019

Benchmarking Manual Database Deployments vs Automated Deployments

There are multiple ways of deploying a database. You can install it by hand, you can rely on the widely available infrastructure orchestration tools like Ansible, Chef, Puppet or Salt. Those tools are very popular...

April 23, 2019

Scaling Your Time-Series Database – How to Simply Scale TimescaleDB

In the previous blogs, my colleagues and I showed you how you can monitor performance, manage and deploy clusters, run backups and even enable automatic failover for TimescaleDB. In this blog we will show you...

April 22, 2019

How to Achieve Automatic Failover for TimescaleDB

The rising demand for high availability systems and tight SLA’s pushes us to replace manual procedures with automated solutions. But do you have the time and necessary resources to address the complexity of failover operations...

April 19, 2019

Performance Monitoring for TimescaleDB

ClusterControl is an easy-to-use tool for monitoring performance of TimescaleDB in real-time. It provides dozens of predefined charts for displaying a wide variety of performance statistics regarding users, throughput, tablespaces, redo logs, buffers, caches and...

April 18, 2019

Backup Management Tips for TimescaleDB

Information is one of the most valuable assets in a company, and it goes without saying that you should have a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) to prevent data loss in the event of an accident...

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