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March 11, 2021

Database Security 101: Understanding Database Access Privileges

Data is the new gold for big companies and organizations It's considered as the lifeblood of most modern businesses and there's a bonanza of opportunities to sell or to market to the large audience of...

March 10, 2021

COVID-19 Cyber Attacks Call for you to Backup Securely

The COVID-19 pandemic has had its fair share of influence on world media but of interest is the sheer amount of cyber attacks that have escalated since it began. Interestingly enough, is news of a...

March 8, 2021

Security Considerations for MariaDB Deployments on Hybrid Cloud Environment

Hybrid cloud can be a great way of adding flexibility to your existing on-prem deployments. As we discussed in several blogs, public cloud can be a great addition to your own datacenter, ensuring you can...

March 5, 2021

MySQL 5.6 EOL Announcement

MySQL 5.6 has reached its EOL in February 2021, and we recommend that you start to plan migrating to MySQL 8.0. The latest version of MySQL is supported until April 2026 and keeps your database...

March 3, 2021

How to Encrypt Hybrid Cloud Database Traffic

A secure database environment is hard to achieve, but extremely important in order to avoid data breaches, ransomware and other malicious activity. Security of data is a top priority from a business standpoint. When running...

March 2, 2021

Disaster Recovery Options for PostgreSQL Deployed to a Hybrid Cloud

In our previous Hybrid Cloud blogs, we often mention that one of the primary options of availing the Hybrid Cloud topology setup is to use this as your disaster recovery target. It's common for an...

February 26, 2021

How do Hybrid Clouds Improve Reliability?

Hybrid cloud is a combination of public and private cloud systems, that are distinct and established in separate locations, each with their own data centers and specifications. They interact through an encrypted connection which allows...

February 23, 2021

How to Keep a Hybrid Cloud Environment Secure

Having a Hybrid Cloud Environment is a common topology for a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP), or even to have redundancy on your systems, but there are some security considerations to take into account before implementing...

February 22, 2021

How Disaster Recovery is Different in a Hybrid Cloud

Disaster recovery has many means and can be implemented in many ways. The one thing to keep in mind is that when you are designing a production environment, you should always consider how you are...

February 20, 2021

Monitoring PostgreSQL in a Hybrid Environment

Hybrid Cloud is a recent concept that has been increased for a few years, and now is a common topology in any company for a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP), or even to have redundancy on...

February 19, 2021

Deploy a Hybrid Cloud MySQL Database using ClusterControl

A hybrid cloud database is a mix of active hosts residing on both on-premises and cloud infrastructures, working as a single operational system. It helps implement a high availability environment, and since both database and...

February 18, 2021

Replicating MongoDB Across a Hybrid Cloud Environment

Relying only on on-premises infrastructure may limit how quickly organizations can develop and launch applications. Extending the infrastructure to utilize public cloud in a hybrid setup is a great way to achieve infrastructure agility. It...

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