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October 16, 2013

Understanding gcache in Galera

Galera uses a preallocated file with a specific size called gcache, used to store the writesets in circular buffer style. By default, its size is 128MB. In this post, we are going to explore how to leverage...

October 1, 2013

Patch Updates and New Version Upgrades of Your Database Clusters

Database vendors regularly issue critical patch updates to address software bugs or known vulnerabilities, but for a variety of reasons, organizations are often unable to install them in a timely manner, if at all. Evidence...

September 12, 2013

Using BitTorrent Sync to Transfer Database Backups Offsite

BitTorrent Sync is a simple replication application providing encrypted bidirectional file transfers that can run behind NAT and is specifically designed to handle large files. By leveraging the simplicity of Bittorrent Sync, we can transfer...

September 10, 2013

Live Database Migration from MMM to MariaDB Galera Cluster

This is a guest post from Igor Shevtsov, a MySQL DBA based in Twickenham, UK. Igor has had the opportunity to deploy and manage different types of high availability MySQL solutions, and we invited him...

August 30, 2013

Clustering MySQL Backend in OpenStack

OpenStack uses a database to store data for all OpenStack services such as compute nodes available, running instances, state and so on. The DB takes part in every user request, from listing all instances to...

August 27, 2013

NoSQL Battle of the East Coast – Benchmarking MongoDB vs TokuMX Cluster

In this post we will compare performance of MongoDB and TokuMX, a MongoDB performance engine from Tokutek. We will conduct three simple experiments that (almost) anyone without any programming skills can try and reproduce. In...

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