
Webinar Replay: A DevOps Guide to Database Infrastructure Automation for eCommerce

Jean-Jérôme Schmidt


Thanks to everyone who attended and participated in last week’s webinar on ‘A DevOps Guide to Database Infrastructure Automation for eCommerce’. If you missed the sessions or would like to watch the webinar again & browse through the slides, they are now available online.

Our guest speaker this time was Riaan Nolan of Foodpanda/Rocket Internet. Topics included a roundup of infrastructure challenges faced by online retailers: multi-datacenter/cloud environments, configuration management, health and performance monitoring, capacity analysis and planning, elastic scaling, and automatic failure handling. Thanks again to Riaan for taking the time to speak to us!

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The full agenda included: 

  • eCommerce infrastructure challenges in 2014, including a sample workflow chart outlining: 
  • Puppet, GitHub, Capistrano, Nginx, PHP5-FPM / Ruby, Percona XtraDB, Couchbase, SOLR, GlusterFS
  • Provisioning of test/QA and highly available production environments across multi-datacenter and multi-cloud environments (AWS Cloud Formation) 
  • Building and maintaining configuration management systems such as Puppet and Chef
  • Enabling self-service infrastructure services to internal dev teams
  • Health and performance monitoring 
  • Capacity analysis and planning
  • Elastic scaling 
  • Automating failure handling
  • Disaster recovery


Watch the replay


Read the slides


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