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January 8, 2021

Boosting Performance by Using Read Write Splitting of Database Traffic with Moodle 3.9

Moodle is a very well known Learning Management System which is intended to help educational organizations organize their online learning activities. As you can imagine, given the online shift in 2020 caused by the COVID-19,...

January 5, 2021

Taking Physical Backups for MySQL

If you've ever had any sort of issue with MySQL, you have probably needed to restore a MySQL database. In that scenario, you have probably used mysqldump or Percona XtraBackup to accomplish the task -...

December 31, 2020

Improving MySQL Performance with Advanced InnoDB Settings

We have discussed how to configure InnoDB for high performance a while ago, however, we have not yet discussed how we can improve MySQL performance while making use of advanced InnoDB settings. This blog post...

December 30, 2020

Monitoring MySQL Performance with ClusterControl

Monitoring the performance of MySQL databases is a daily task of almost every MySQL DBA. In this blog post we will try to demonstrate how to monitor the performance of your MySQL databases - with...

December 18, 2020

Database Design 101: Partitions in MySQL

In this blog post we are going to be discussing one of the most widely used features of MySQL - partitions. What is Partitioning? In MySQL, partitioning is a database design technique in which a...

December 15, 2020

How to Verify Your MySQL Backups with ClusterControl

Backups are a basic point in all Disaster Recovery Plans, but only having a backup is not enough to guarantee correct data recovery. You must need to make sure that the backup is usable, and...

December 14, 2020

What is a Query Outlier and How to Fix It

The MySQL database workload is determined by the number of queries that it processes. There are several situations in which MySQL slowness can originate. The first possibility is if there are any queries that are...

December 11, 2020

Performance Testing Using MySQLdump and the MySQL Shell Utility

In my previous post I explained how to take a logical backup using the mysql shell utilities. In this post, we shall compare the speed of the backup and restoration process. MySQL Shell Speed Test ...

December 9, 2020

Logical Database Backups Using MySQL Shell

Mysqldump is a popular logical backup tool for MySQL which was originally written by Igor Romanenko. Mysqldump performs logical backups (set of SQL statements). By default, mysqldump does not dump information_schema tables and it never...

December 4, 2020

ALTER TABLE in MySQL: Friend or Foe?

The ALTER TABLE statement is one of the most frequently used statements in the MySQL world - the statement allows you to add, delete or modify columns in a table. In this blog post we...

December 2, 2020

How to Deploy Percona XtraDB Cluster 8 for High Availability

Percona XtraDB Cluster 8.0 is based on Percona Server for MySQL 8.0 embedded with Galera writeset replication API and Galera replication library, to form a highly available multi-master replication for MySQL-based database server. Percona XtraDB...

December 1, 2020

An Overview of ProxySQL Clustering in ClusterControl

ProxySQL is a well known load balancer in MySQL world - it comes with a great set of features that allow you to take control over your traffic and shape it however you see it...

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