Read-Write Splitting for Java Apps Using Connector/J, MySQL Replication and HAProxy
In a previous post, we looked into load balancing for PHP apps and how to configure read-write splitting on MySQL Replication setups. The native PHP MySQL driver (php-mysqlnd_ms) would perform read/write splits, and the MySQL...
New Whitepaper: MySQL Replication for High Availability
MySQL Replication is probably the most popular high availability solution for MySQL, and widely used by top web properties like Twitter and Facebook. Although easy to set up, ongoing maintenance like software upgrades, schema changes,...
Webinar Replay: How to Upgrade to MySQL 5.7
Thanks to everyone who participated in this week’s live webinar on how to upgrade to MySQL 5.7. If you missed the session and/or would like to watch the replay in your own time, it is...
MySQL Load Balancing with ProxySQL – An Overview
Year 2015 was a good year for proxies in MySQL environments. First, MariaDB released a GA version of MaxScale, a new proxy that understands MySQL Replication and Galera topologies and supports read-write splitting. Later in...
Newly Updated “MySQL Load Balancing with HAProxy” Tutorial
We are glad to announce that one of our most popular tutorials has just been updated and is available here. In this tutorial, we cover how HAProxy works, and how to deploy, configure and manage...
MySQL Replication Failoverv – Maxscale vs MHA: Part Three
In our previous two posts we described in depth how MySQL Master-HA (MHA) and MaxScale + MariaDB Replication Manager (MRM) both perform their so called slave promotions (also known as master failover). MHA has been...
MySQL Replication Failover – Maxscale vs MHA: Part Two
In our previous post, we described how MySQL Master-HA (MHA) performs a so called slave promotion (also known as master failover) and ensures all remaining slaves in the topology get attached under the new master...
MySQL Replication Failover – Maxscale vs MHA: Part One
In our MySQL replication tutorial we have covered different aspects of replication including master failover by performing a slave promotion using ClusterControl. The slave promotion will turn a slave into the new master, and re-attach...
High Availability Read-Write Splitting with php-mysqlnd, MySQL Replication and HAProxy
MySQL Replication is used in a variety of use cases - scale out read workloads, provide high availability and geographic redundancy, offload backups and reporting/analytic jobs. However it has a big drawback - the application...
Webinar Replay: Managing MySQL Replication for High Availability
Thanks to everyone who participated in this week’s live webinar on Managing MySQL Replication for High Availability led by our colleague Krzysztof Książek, Senior Support Engineer at Severalnines. The webinar included theory discussions bundled with...
Webinar Replay: Polyglot Persistence for the MongoDB, MySQL & PostgreSQL DBA
Many thanks to everyone who took the time yesterday to participate in our last webinar of 2015! Here are the recording of the session as well as the slides that were used by our colleague...
MySQL Troubleshooting with pt-stalk: Part 2
In our last post, we showed you how to use pt-stalk to help gather a bunch of data that can be used for troubleshooting. But what type of data does it collect? How do we...