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October 3, 2019

Tips for Storing MongoDB Backups in the Cloud

When it comes to backups and data archiving, IT departments are under pressure to meet stricter service level agreements, deliver more custom reports, and adhere to expanding compliance requirements while continuing to manage daily archive...

September 27, 2019

Failover & Failback for PostgreSQL on Microsoft Azure

It’s pretty common to use the cloud to store your data or as a failover option in the case of master failure. There are several cloud providers which allow you to store, manage, retrieve, and...

September 26, 2019

Comparing DBaaS Failover Solutions to Manual Recovery Setups

We have recently written several blogs covering how different cloud providers handle database failover. We compared failover performance in Amazon Aurora, Amazon RDS and ClusterControl, tested the failover behavior in Amazon RDS, and also on...

September 18, 2019

Achieving MySQL Failover & Failback on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

There are numerous cloud providers these days. They can be small or large, local or with data centers spread across the whole world. Many of these cloud providers offer some kind of a managed relational...

September 12, 2019

Integrations & Services Available from MongoDB for the Cloud

MongoDB is a document data store that has been around for over a decade. In the last few years, MongoDB has evolved into a mature product that features enterprise-grade options like scalability, security, and resilience....

September 10, 2019

Comparing Galera Cluster Cloud Offerings: Part Three Microsoft Azure

Microsoft Azure is known to many as an alternative public cloud platform to Amazon AWS. It's not easy to directly compare these two giant companies. Microsoft's cloud business -- dubbed commercial cloud -- includes everything...

September 9, 2019

Cloud Vendor Deep-Dive: PostgreSQL on Microsoft Azure

If you have followed Microsoft lately it will come as no surprise that the provider of a competing database product, namely SQL Server, also jumped on the PostgreSQL bandwagon. From releasing 60,000 patents to OIN...

September 5, 2019

An Overview of MongoDB Atlas: Part Two

In the first part of the blog “An Overview of MongoDB Atlas,” we looked at getting started with MongoDB Atlas, the initial setup and migration of an existing MongoDB Cluster to MongoDB Atlas. In this...

September 4, 2019

Database Load Balancing Using HAProxy on Amazon AWS

When traffic to your database increases day-after-day it can start to become hard to manage. When this situation happens it’s useful to distribute the traffic across multiple servers, thus improving performance. Depending on the application,...

September 2, 2019

Comparing Galera Cluster Cloud Offerings: Part Two Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

In our last blog we discussed the offerings available within Amazon Web Services (AWS) when running a MySQL Galera Cluster. In this blog, we'll continue the discussion by looking further at what the offerings are...

August 29, 2019

Cloud Vendor Deep-Dive: PostgreSQL on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Where to Start? The best place I could find to start was none other than the official documentation. There is also a GCP Youtube channel for those who prefer multimedia. Once finding myself into the...

August 27, 2019

Tips for Storing PostgreSQL Backups on Amazon AWS

Data is probably one of the most valuable assets in a company. Because of this we should always have a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP) to prevent data loss in the event of an accident or...

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