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August 22, 2024

The Sovereign Cloud brief

Cloud computing is a core part of today's world with more and more organizations moving their critical applications to the cloud. This shift highlights the need to manage and protect data, especially with the growing...

July 4, 2024

DevOpsDays Houston 2024: Our conference highlights

After a one-year hiatus, DevOpsDays returned to Houston with great success this year. Our Tech Evangelist, Divine Odazie, attended and presented a demo titled “Kubernetes at Scale: Going Multi-Cluster with Istio Service Mesh,” along with...

May 28, 2024

Simplifying database orchestration anywhere with Terraform and ClusterControl

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has become key to modern software development. Terraform – one of the most popular IaC tools – won the hearts of DevOps teams by offering a vast ecosystem of providers that...

July 5, 2022

Severalnines earns ISO certification

In an ever-changing technology landscape, it is critical for companies to have systems and processes in place to tame the information security risks that affect their information assets. We have always been committed to protecting...

March 18, 2021

Disaster Recovery for Galera Cluster Deployed to a Hybrid Cloud

Running a Galera Cluster in a hybrid cloud should consist of at least two different geographical sites, connecting hosts in the on-premises or private cloud with the ones in the public cloud. Whether you use...

March 10, 2021

COVID-19 Cyber Attacks Call for you to Backup Securely

The COVID-19 pandemic has had its fair share of influence on world media but of interest is the sheer amount of cyber attacks that have escalated since it began. Interestingly enough, is news of a...

March 9, 2021

Standardizing PostgreSQL Security Across Multi-Cloud Environments

Multi-Cloud Environment is a common topology and even recommended for a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP), but the security could be a risk here as you need to add to the common security checks an extra...

March 4, 2021

Driving Performance in a Hybrid Cloud Setup

A hybrid cloud refers to mixed computing, storage, and services environment made up of on-premises infrastructure, private cloud services, and a public cloud orchestration among the various platforms. Using a combination of public clouds, on-premises...

February 25, 2021

An Overview of Hybrid Cloud Database Server Architecture

A hybrid cloud environment uses a mix of private and public cloud and even on-premises services and offers many advantages, including scalability, high availability, faster deployments and effective disaster recovery. One known challenge with this...

February 23, 2021

How to Keep a Hybrid Cloud Environment Secure

Having a Hybrid Cloud Environment is a common topology for a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP), or even to have redundancy on your systems, but there are some security considerations to take into account before implementing...

February 22, 2021

How Disaster Recovery is Different in a Hybrid Cloud

Disaster recovery has many means and can be implemented in many ways. The one thing to keep in mind is that when you are designing a production environment, you should always consider how you are...

February 20, 2021

Monitoring PostgreSQL in a Hybrid Environment

Hybrid Cloud is a recent concept that has been increased for a few years, and now is a common topology in any company for a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP), or even to have redundancy on...

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