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August 14, 2019

A Guide to Automated Cloud Database Deployments

Complex, inflexible architectures, redundancy and out-of-date technology, are common problems for companies facing data to cloud migration.  We look to the “clouds,” hoping that we will find there a magic solution to improve operational speed...

August 7, 2019

MySQL Load Balancing: Migrating ProxySQL from On-Prem to AWS EC2

Migrations between different environments are uncommon in database world. Migrations from one provider to another one. Moving from one datacenter to another. All of this happens on a regular basis. Organisations search for expense reduction,...

July 31, 2019

Running Big Data Analytics Queries Using SQL and Presto

Presto is an open-source, parallel distributed, SQL engine for big data processing. It was developed from the ground-up by Facebook. The first internal release took place in 2013 and was quite a revolutionary solution for...

July 22, 2019

How to Monitor PostgreSQL Running Inside a Docker Container: Part Two

This is the second part of the multi-series How to Monitor PostgreSQL Running Inside a Docker Container. In Part 1, I presented an overview of docker containers, policies and networking. In this part we will...

July 19, 2019

How to Manage MariaDB 10.3 with ClusterControl

MariaDB Server is no longer a straight imitate of MySQL. It grew into a mature fork, which implements new functionalities similar to what proprietary database systems offer in the upstream. MariaDB 10.3 greatly extends the...

July 17, 2019

Running Multiple PostgreSQL Instances on a Single Host

We recently announced the release of ClusterControl 1.7.3 which includes a variety of improvements and newly added features. One of these new features is the addition of support in ClusterControl to allow a user to...

July 16, 2019

Announcing ClusterControl 1.7.3: Improved Support PostgreSQL & New Cloud Deployment Options

We’re excited to announce the 1.7.3 release of ClusterControl - the only database management system you’ll ever need to take control of your open source database infrastructure.  In this release we have added support for...

July 9, 2019

MySQL Replication with ProxySQL on WHM/cPanel Servers: Part Two

In the first part of the series, we showed you how to deploy a MySQL Replication setup with ProxySQL with WHM and cPanel. In this part, we are going to show some post-deployment operations for...

July 8, 2019

MySQL Replication with ProxySQL on WHM/cPanel Servers: Part One

WHM and cPanel is no doubt the most popular hosting control panel for Linux based environments. It supports a number of database backends - MySQL, MariaDB and PostgreSQL as the application datastore. WHM only supports...

July 2, 2019

How to Use the Failover Mechanism of MaxScale

Ever since ClusterControl 1.2.11 was released in 2015, MariaDB MaxScale has been supported as a database load balancer. Over the years MaxScale has grown and matured, adding several rich features. Recently MariaDB MaxScale 2.2 was...

June 27, 2019

How to Setup Asynchronous Replication Between MariaDB Galera Clusters

Galera Cluster, with its (virtually) synchronous replication, is commonly used in many different types of environments. Scaling it by adding new nodes is not hard (or just as simple a couple of clicks when you...

June 13, 2019

Exploring the Different Ways to Encrypt Your MariaDB Data

Encrypting your MariaDB database, whether it is in-transit and at-rest, is one of the most important things that an organization should consider if you value your data. Organizations that deal with financial transactions, medical records,...

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