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May 28, 2024

Simplifying database orchestration anywhere with Terraform and ClusterControl

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) has become key to modern software development. Terraform – one of the most popular IaC tools – won the hearts of DevOps teams by offering a vast ecosystem of providers that...

August 26, 2021

MySQL Security with ClusterControl

If you are an experienced MySQL DBA, you probably already know how important MySQL security is. For you, security comes without any question - you already secured your database instances from the get-go: as soon...

August 26, 2021

The Common MySQL error: “Got an error reading communication packet”

MySQL is the second famous database in the world according to the DB Engine website behind Oracle. What makes MySQL famous is probably because it is a very fast, reliable and flexible Database Management System....

July 13, 2021

Running Vitess and MySQL with ClusterControl

For all who are not familiar with Vitess, it is a MySQL-based database system that is intended to deliver an easy-to-scale, sharded, relational database management system. We will not get into details about the design...

July 12, 2021

Deploying MariaDB Sharding with Spider using ClusterControl

MariaDB offers built-in multi-host sharding capabilities with the Spider storage engine. Spider supports partitioning and XA transactions and allows remote tables of different MariaDB instances to be handled as if they were on the same...

June 28, 2021

Using Sysbench to Generate Test Data for Sharded Table in MySQL

Sysbench is a great tool to generate test data and perform MySQL OLTP benchmarks. Commonly, one would do a prepare-run-cleanup cycle when performing benchmark using Sysbench. By default, the table generated by Sysbench is a...

June 24, 2021

How to configure SELinux for MySQL-based systems (MySQL/MariaDB Replication + Galera)

In the era that we are living in now, anything with a less secure environment is easily a target for an attack and becomes a bounty for the attackers. Compared to the past 20 years,...

June 11, 2021

Dealing With MySQL Replication Issues Using ClusterControl

One of the most popular ways in achieving high availability for MySQL is replication. Replication has been around for many years, and became much more stable with the introduction of GTIDs. But even with these...

June 10, 2021

MySQL Replication Best Practices

  MySQL Replication has been the most common and widely used solution for high availability by huge organizations such as Github, Twitter, and Facebook. Although easy to set up, there are challenges faced when using...

May 18, 2021

Understanding Indexes in MySQL: Part Three

This blog post is the third part of the series of blogs about indexes in MySQL. In the second part of the blog post series about MySQL indexes, we covered indexes and storage engines and touched upon some...

May 17, 2021

Understanding Indexes in MySQL: Part Two

This blog post is the second part of the series of blogs about indexes in MySQL. In the first part of the blog post series about MySQL indexes, we have covered quite many things, including what...

May 14, 2021

Understanding Indexes in MySQL: Part One

Indexes in MySQL are a very complex beast. We have covered MySQL indexes in the past, but we have never taken a deeper dive into them - we will do that in these series of...

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