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September 6, 2018

A Developer’s Guide to MongoDB Replica Sets

MongoDB often involves working with a large set of data including embedded arrays and array objects. Therefore, it is always important to ensure your database processing rate is as fast as possible to enhance read...

August 3, 2018

An Introduction to MongoDB Zone Basics

MongoDB Zones To understand MongoDB Zones, we must first understand what a Zone is: a group of shards based on a specific set of tags. MongoDB Zones help in the distribution of chunks based on...

July 14, 2016

Webinar Replay: Become a MongoDB DBA – What to Monitor (if You’re Really a MySQLer)

Thanks to everyone who joined us for this week’s webinar on how to monitor MongoDB (for the MySQL DBA). Art van Scheppingen, Senior Support Engineer at Severalnines, discussed the most important metrics to keep an...

July 12, 2016

MongoDB Monitoring and Trending: Part Two

In the previous post, we introduced the various functions and commands in MongoDB to retrieve your metrics. We also showcased a few out-of-the-box solutions (statsd, OpenTSDB, Prometheus, Cacti) that ship MongoDB metrics directly to some...

June 29, 2016

MongoDB Monitoring and Trending: Part One

After covering the deployment and configuration of MongoDB in our previous blogposts, we now move on to monitoring basics. Just like MySQL, MongoDB has a broad variety of metrics you can collect and use to...

June 6, 2016

The Basics of MongoDB Configuration

After covering the deployment of MongoDB in our previous blogpost, we now move on to configuration basics. MongoDB is configured through both the config file (/etc/mongod.conf) and runtime. In the previous blogpost, we mentioned some...

May 3, 2016

MySQL vs MongoDB: Deployment & Provisioning

If you are a MySQL DBA you may ask yourself why you would install MongoDB? That is actually a very good question as MongoDB and MySQL have been in a flame-war a couple of years...

April 27, 2016

Webinar Replay: Become a MongoDB DBA (If You’re Really a MySQL User)

Thanks to everyone who participated in this week’s webinar on ‘Become a MongoDB DBA’! Our colleague Art van Scheppingen presented from the perspective of a MySQL DBA who might be called to manage a MongoDB...

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