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November 20, 2017

Announcing ClusterControl 1.5 – Featuring Automatic Backup Verification and Cloud Upload

Today we are excited to announce the 1.5 release of ClusterControl - the all-inclusive database management system that lets you easily deploy, monitor, manage and scale highly available open source databases - and load balancers...

October 17, 2017

Automating and Managing MongoDB in the Cloud

Database management has traditionally been complex and time-consuming. Deployment, with the headaches of security, complex networking, backup planning and implementation, and monitoring, has been a headache. Scaling out your database cluster has been a major...

September 20, 2017

Considerations When Running ClusterControl in the Cloud

Cloud computing is booming and the cost to rent a server, or even an entire datacenter has been going down in the last couple of years. There are many cloud providers to choose from, and...

September 18, 2017

DIY Cloud Database on Amazon Web Services – New Whitepaper

We’re happy to announce that our new whitepaper DIY Cloud Database on Amazon Web Services: Best Practices is now available to download for free! This whitepaper provides a step-by-step guide to help you build a...

September 14, 2017

How to Deploy ClusterControl on AWS to Manage Your Cloud Database

  ClusterControl is infrastructure-agnostic - it can be used in your own datacenter on physical hosts, as well as in virtualized cloud environments. All you need is ssh access from the ClusterControl host to the...

September 12, 2017

ClusterControl in the Cloud – All Our Resources

While many of our customers utilize ClusterControl on-premise to automate and manage their open source databases, several are deploying ClusterControl alongside their applications in the cloud. Utilizing the cloud allows your business and applications to...

August 31, 2017

ClusterControl Helps Mediacloud Hit Cloud “9’s”

Severalnines is excited to announce it’s newest customer Mediacloud, a Spain-based, cloud digital infrastructure provider. Mediacloud is a sub-division of Mediapro, one of the largest multimedia communications groups in Europe, and manages all of its...

March 13, 2017

MySQL in the Cloud – Online Migration from Amazon RDS to Your own Server: Part2

As we saw earlier, it might be challenging for companies to move their data out of RDS for MySQL. In the first part of this blog, we showed you how to set up your target...

March 13, 2017

MySQL in the Cloud – Online Migration From Amazon RDS to EC2 Instance: Part One

In our previous blog, we saw how easy it is to get started with RDS for MySQL. It is a convenient way to deploy and use MySQL, without worrying about operational overhead. The tradeoff though...

February 13, 2017

MySQL in the Cloud – Pros and Cons of Amazon RDS

Moving your data into a public cloud service is a big decision. All the major cloud vendors offer cloud database services, with Amazon RDS for MySQL being probably the most popular. In this blog, we’ll...

November 17, 2016

Cloud Lock-in and Open Source Databases

The cloud is no longer a question of if, but of when. Many IT leaders, however, find that one consistent barrier to their adoption of the cloud is vendor lock-in. What do you do when...

May 26, 2015

Leveraging AWS Tools to Speed up the Management of Galera Cluster on Amazon Cloud

We previously covered basic tuning and configuration best practices for MyQL Galera Cluster on AWS. In this blog post, we’ll go over some AWS features/tools that you may find useful when managing Galera on Amazon...

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