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June 8, 2020

Eliminating MySQL Split-Brain in Multi-Cloud Databases

These days databases spanning across multiple clouds are quite common. They promise high availability and possibility to easily implement disaster recovery procedures. They are also a method to avoid vendor lock-in: if you design your...

June 4, 2020

A Guide to Database Backup Archiving in the Cloud

Having a backup plan is a must when running a database in production. Running a backup every day, however, can eventually lead to an excess of backup storage space, especially when running on premises.  One...

June 3, 2020

Multi-Cloud Full Database Cluster Failover Options for MariaDB Cluster

High availability is paramount in today's business reality. But every service provider comes with an inherited risk of disruption -- and cloud service providers are no different. If they go down, even temporarily, then so...

June 2, 2020

PostgreSQL Multi-Cloud Cluster Deployment

A multi-cloud environment is a good option for a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP), but it can be a time-consuming task as you need to configure the connectivity between the different cloud providers and you will...

June 1, 2020

What is a Multi-Cloud Database?

During the recent 24-hour Percona Live, multi-cloud was regularly one of the key topics. This is just another key indicator of the trend of many organizations who are switching their architectures or expanding their businesses...

May 27, 2020

pghoard Alternatives – PostgreSQL Backup Management with ClusterControl

Managing backups could be a complex and risky task to do in a manual way. You must know that the backup is working according to your backup policy as you don’t want to be in...

May 26, 2020

MySQL Workbench Alternatives – ClusterControl’s Point-and-Click GUI

Many would agree that having a graphical user interface is more efficient and less prone to human error when managing or administering a system. Graphical user interface (GUI) greatly helps reduce the steep learning curve...

May 25, 2020

pgDash Diagnostics Alternatives – PostgreSQL Query Management with ClusterControl

Databases are all about queries. You store your data in them and then you have to be able to retrieve it in some way. Here come queries - you write them in some language, structured...

May 21, 2020

pgAdmin Alternatives – PostgreSQL Database Management GUI ClusterControl

There are many tools used in Database Administration that help simplify the management of open source databases. The advantage of using these types of applications is the availability menus from various objects in the database...

May 20, 2020

pg_restore Alternatives – PostgreSQL Backup and Automatic Recovery with ClusterControl

While there are various ways to recover your PostgreSQL database, one of the most convenient approaches to restore your data from a logical backup. Logical backups play a significant role for Disaster and Recovery Planning...

May 19, 2020

proxysql-admin Alternatives – ClusterControl ProxySQL GUI

ProxySQL is a very popular proxy in MySQL environments. It comes with a nice set of features including read/write splitting, query caching and query rewriting. ProxySQL stores its configuration in SQLite database, configuration changes can...

May 18, 2020

Manage Engine HAProxy Monitoring Alternatives – ClusterControl HAProxy Monitoring

In a previous blog, we looked at the differences between ManageEngine Applications Manager and ClusterControl, examining the main features of each and comparing them. In this blog we will focus on the monitoring of HAProxy,...

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