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June 6, 2016

The Basics of MongoDB Configuration

After covering the deployment of MongoDB in our previous blogpost, we now move on to configuration basics. MongoDB is configured through both the config file (/etc/mongod.conf) and runtime. In the previous blogpost, we mentioned some...

May 16, 2016

The Difference Between MySQL Multi-Master and Multi-Source Replication

  MySQL replication can have various topologies and the most well known topology is the Master/Slave topology, where one host is the master and the slave replicates all transactions from the master. Lesser known are...

February 8, 2016

High Availability Read-Write Splitting with php-mysqlnd, MySQL Replication and HAProxy

MySQL Replication is used in a variety of use cases - scale out read workloads, provide high availability and geographic redundancy, offload backups and reporting/analytic jobs. However it has a big drawback - the application...

October 22, 2015

Updating Your MySQL Configuration

Requires ClusterControl 1.2.11 or later. Applies to MySQL based clusters. From time to time it is necessary to tune and update your configuration. Here we will show you how you can change/update  individual parameters using the...

August 10, 2015

MySQL Configuration: Tuning for Performance

A database server needs CPU, memory, disk and network in order to function. Understanding these resources is important for a DBA, as any resource that is weak or overloaded can become a limiting factor and...

July 7, 2015

MySQL Database Management Common Operations – Replication Topology Changes

MySQL replication has been available for years, and even though a number of new clustering technologies showed up recently, replication is still very common among MySQL users. It is understandable as replication is a reliable...

April 27, 2015

How to Configure Drupal with a MongoDB Replica Set

  Drupal’s modular setup allows for different datastores to be integrated as modules, this allows sites to store different types of Drupal data into MongoDB. You can choose to store Drupal’s cache, session, watchdog, block...

October 16, 2013

Understanding gcache in Galera

Galera uses a preallocated file with a specific size called gcache, used to store the writesets in circular buffer style. By default, its size is 128MB. In this post, we are going to explore how to leverage...

July 26, 2013

MongoDB Tutorial – On-Premises Cluster Management and Monitoring of MongoDB Replica Sets

  Replica Sets in MongoDB are very useful. They provide multiple copies of data, automated failover and read scalability. A Replica Set can consist of up to 12 nodes, with only one primary node (or...

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