
Getting Social With Severalnines

Forrest Lymburner


In 2016 Severalnines created a lot of content. From webinars, to videos, through to Tutorials and blog posts, it’s a lot to keep up with. We also just had a meeting planning our 2017 and there is even more great stuff coming soon.

We wanted to take a couple of minutes and share some ideas for how best you can get what you need from us in all the different channels we offer.

We encourage you to pick the channels that best align with what you need and subscribe or follow.

The Severalnines Facebook page is where we share company and industry news, post events, and host live video content from conferences.

On our Twitter Account (@severalnines) we share news about our products and also pass along news and information we think you can utilize.

On YouTube we post all of our webinar replays, which highlight a variety of topics and tips & tricks for managing high availability database infrastructures. For our ClusterControl & NinesControl users, we also share information on how to use new features and functions.

We have several pages on LinkedIn. Our Company Page is where we share news and events. Our NinesControl and ClusterControl page is where we share specific news and information about our products. Our Open Source Database Page is where we share industry news and information about the Open Source Database world.

If you are a Google+ user, we also have a page where we share an array of the best of our content, news, and information.

However you wish to engage with us, our products, or our content we are here to listen…

Connect with us online to ensure you get all the great stuff we are planning for 2017!

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