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June 7, 2021

PostgreSQL Replication Best Practices – Part 1

Using replication for your PostgreSQL databases could be useful not only to have a high availability and fault tolerant environment but also to improve the performance on your system by balancing the traffic between the...

November 6, 2020

Asynchronous Replication Automatic Failover in MySQL 8.0.22

  Oracle recently released MySQL 8.0.22, and this new version came with a new asynchronous connection failover mechanism. It allows a replica to automatically establish an asynchronous replication connection to a new source, in case...

February 12, 2020

What to Look for if Your MySQL Replication is Lagging

A master/slave replication cluster setup is a common use case in most organizations. Using MySQL Replication enables your data to be replicated across different environments and guarantees that the information gets copied. It is asynchronous...

November 19, 2019

Converting from Asynchronous to Synchronous Replication in PostgreSQL

High Availability is a requirement for just about every company around the world using PostgreSQL It is well known that PostgreSQL uses Streaming Replication as the replication method. PostgreSQL Streaming Replication is asynchronous by default,...

February 21, 2019

Hybrid OLTP/Analytics Database Workloads in Galera Cluster Using Asynchronous Slaves

Using Galera cluster is a great way of building a highly available environment for MySQL or MariaDB. It is a shared-nothing cluster environment which can be scaled even beyond 12-15 nodes. Galera has some limitations,...

July 10, 2018

How to Recover MySQL Galera Cluster From an Asynchronous Slave

Introduction When running Galera Cluster, it is a common practice to add one or more asynchronous slaves in the same or in a different datacenter. This provides us with a contingency plan with low RTO,...

May 18, 2018

Cloud Disaster Recovery for MariaDB and MySQL

MySQL has a long tradition in geographic replication. Distributing clusters to remote data centers reduces the effects of geographic latency by pushing data closer to the user. It also provides a capability for disaster recovery....

April 20, 2017

How Galera Cluster Enables High Availability for High Traffic Websites

In today’s competitive technology environment, high availability is a must. There is no way around it - if your website or service is not available, then most probably you are losing money. It could relate...

April 19, 2017

How to Deploy Asynchronous Replication Slave to MariaDB Galera Cluster 10.x

Combining Galera and asynchronous replication in the same MariaDB setup, aka Hybrid Replication, can be useful - e.g. as a live backup node in a remote datacenter or reporting/analytics server. We already blogged about this...

April 18, 2017

How to Set Up Asynchronous Replication from Galera Cluster to Standalone MySQL server with GTID

Hybrid replication, i.e. combining Galera and asynchronous MySQL replication in the same setup, became much easier since GTID got introduced in MySQL 5.6. Although it was fairly straightforward to replicate from a standalone MySQL server...

April 7, 2015

Deploying an Asynchronous Slave to MySQL Galera Cluster

Due to its synchronous nature, Galera performance can be limited by the slowest node in the cluster. So running heavy reporting queries or making frequent backups on one node, or putting a node across a...

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