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March 18, 2021

Disaster Recovery for Galera Cluster Deployed to a Hybrid Cloud

Running a Galera Cluster in a hybrid cloud should consist of at least two different geographical sites, connecting hosts in the on-premises or private cloud with the ones in the public cloud. Whether you use...

March 4, 2021

Driving Performance in a Hybrid Cloud Setup

A hybrid cloud refers to mixed computing, storage, and services environment made up of on-premises infrastructure, private cloud services, and a public cloud orchestration among the various platforms. Using a combination of public clouds, on-premises...

February 12, 2021

Running MariaDB in a Hybrid Cloud Setup

The term “hybrid” is popular  nowadays. Hybrid is used for vehicles, applications, financials, and also cloud. For example, in the vehicle's use case, the hybrid means combining the power of the gasoline engine with an...

February 11, 2021

Deploying a Hybrid Infrastructure Environment for Percona XtraDB Cluster

A hybrid infrastructure environment is a mix of active hosts residing on both on-premises and cloud infrastructures in a single operational or distributed system. Percona XtraDB Cluster, one of the Galera Cluster variants, can be...

February 8, 2021

What is a Hybrid Cloud Database?

With the usage increase of the Cloud, Hybrid Cloud is a common architecture design in any company. This concept combines public cloud, private cloud, and on-premise solutions allowing companies to have flexibility on where to...

February 21, 2019

Hybrid OLTP/Analytics Database Workloads in Galera Cluster Using Asynchronous Slaves

Using Galera cluster is a great way of building a highly available environment for MySQL or MariaDB. It is a shared-nothing cluster environment which can be scaled even beyond 12-15 nodes. Galera has some limitations,...

June 28, 2013

Replicate from a MySQL Server into a Galera Cluster

This article describes how to setup replication between a regular MySQL server and a Galera Cluster. The regular MySQL Server is the MASTER , and one of the Galera nodes will be the SLAVE: In...

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