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March 23, 2015

Monitoring Galera Cluster – Understanding and Optimizing CPU-Related InnoDB Metrics

The performance of a Galera cluster is strongly connected to the performance of MySQL. Galera only supports the InnoDB storage engine, it is therefore important to have an insight into how InnoDB operates – what metrics...

December 22, 2014

Chef Cookbooks for ClusterControl – Management and Monitoring for Your Database Clusters

If you are automating your infrastructure deployments with Chef, then read on. We are glad to announce the availability of a Chef cookbook for ClusterControl. This cookbook replaces previous cookbooks we released for ClusterControl and...

July 26, 2013

MongoDB Tutorial – On-Premises Cluster Management and Monitoring of MongoDB Replica Sets

  Replica Sets in MongoDB are very useful. They provide multiple copies of data, automated failover and read scalability. A Replica Set can consist of up to 12 nodes, with only one primary node (or...

April 15, 2013

Nagios Plugin for ClusterControl

Nagios is a very popular open source IT infrastructure monitoring tool, used by sysadmins to watch out for problems in their systems. If you use Nagios and would like to utilize it to monitor your...

March 13, 2013

MongoDB Sharding – On-Premises Deployment and Monitoring of MongoDB Sharded Clusters

Last year, we did a survey asking our users about any other databases they were using alongside MySQL. A clear majority were interested in using other databases alongside MySQL, these included (in order of popularity)...

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