Understanding gcache in Galera
Galera uses a preallocated file with a specific size called gcache, used to store the writesets in circular buffer style. By default, its size is 128MB. In this post, we are going to explore how to leverage...
Avoiding Deadlocks in Galera – Setting Up HAProxy for Single-Node Writes and Multi-Node Reads
Galera cluster has known limitations, one of them is that it uses cluster-wide optimistic locking. This may cause some transactions to rollback. With an increasing number of writeable masters, the transaction rollback rate may increase, especially...
Migrating MySQL Galera Cluster to a New Data Center Without Downtime
Are you tired and frustrated with your hosting or cloud provider? Have you seen a constant degradation in service levels and responsiveness? Or was the public cloud a bit too expensive after all, and you’re...
Replicate from a MySQL Server into a Galera Cluster
This article describes how to setup replication between a regular MySQL server and a Galera Cluster. The regular MySQL Server is the MASTER , and one of the Galera nodes will be the SLAVE: In...
Scaling WordPress and MySQL on Multiple Servers for Performance
Over the years, WordPress has evolved from a simple blogging platform to a CMS. Over seven million sites use it today, including the likes of CNN, Forbes, The New York Times and eBay. So, how...
Scaling Drupal on Multiple Servers with Galera Cluster for MySQL
This post shows you how to move from a single instance Drupal/MySQL to a multi-server environment. A well designed multi-server deployment not only allows Drupal to scale, but will also enhance redundancy by removing single...