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May 18, 2015

5 Performance Tips for Running Galera Cluster on AWS Cloud

Amazon Web Services is one of the most popular cloud environments. Galera Cluster is one of the most popular MySQL clustering solutions. This is exactly why you’ll see many Galera clusters running on EC2 instances....

January 20, 2015

How to Deploy High Availability CloudStack/CloudPlatform with MariaDB Galera Cluster

Apache CloudStack is a turnkey orchestration platform to deliver IaaS clouds. As a cloud infrastructure scales to hundreds or thousands of servers, with production environments supporting multiple applications and services, high availability becomes a key...

October 27, 2014

Data Warehouse in the Cloud – How to Upload MySQL Data Into Amazon Redshift for Reporting and Analytics

The term data warehousing often brings to mind things like large complex projects, big businesses, proprietary hardware and expensive software licenses. With Hadoop came open source data analysis software that ran on commodity hardware, this...

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