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September 3, 2020

Building a Highly Available Database for Moodle Using PostgreSQL

Impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of SMBs/SMEs are transitioning to online platforms. Face-to-face or physical classes are also affected by this pandemic and a lot of schools and universities are also transitioning to...

September 2, 2020

Building a Highly Available Database for Moodle Using MySQL Replication

Moodle is an open source learning management system, widely used by schools and universities around the world. The project started in 2002 by Martin Dougiamas, with the aim to provide learners, teachers, educators a secure,...

September 1, 2020

Building a Highly Available Database for Moodle Using MariaDB (Replication & MariaDB Cluster)

Face-to-face meetings, nowadays, are limited to the bare minimum, online activities have taken over as the main way for teacher - student interaction. It increased the stress on the existing online “meeting” platforms (is there...

August 31, 2020

Press Release: Severalnines' Multi-Cloud, Full-Ops Database Management Provides Extra Protection for Disaster Recovery

The multi-cloud approach for databases, despite being harder to manage, is growing in popularity as it helps architect against failure and mitigates the risk of cloud lock-in. STOCKHOLM, August 31, 2020 ( - Multi-cloud databases have...

August 24, 2020

The Benefits of Running Your Own Private DBaaS

Your organization is in a place where you are considering different options to quickly deploy your databases. Maybe you have multiple internal customers in product teams that want to be able to setup their environments...

August 14, 2020

Video: Database Disaster Recovery with ClusterControl

This past week we debuted a series of videos on database disaster recovery. From basic backup and restore, to switchover & failover, to full cluster-to-cluster replication, these videos show how ClusterControl offers you end-to-end protection...

August 10, 2020

Things to Consider When Building an Internal or Private DBaaS

In one of the previous blogs we discussed a possible DBaaS environment built with ClusterControl as the deployment and management platform for the databases. Today we would like to take a closer look at that...

August 4, 2020

Building Your Own Private DBaaS with ClusterControl

As we explained in one of our blogs, DBaaS are powerful tools for the users that require a database for their purposes. This can be a developer that spins up database clusters for their applications,...

August 4, 2020

Press Release: Severalnines Cluster-to-Cluster Replication Provides Peace of Mind With Multi-Cloud Disaster Recovery

Organizations around the world were unprepared for COVID-19's impact. Severalnines helps companies stay prepared when crisis strikes with their end-to-end disaster recovery solutions. If the COVID-19 pandemic has shown us anything, it’s that it is...

July 30, 2020

Comparing MariaDB Enterprise Backup to ClusterControl Backup Management

MariaDB Enterprise Backup is a backup solution from MariaDB Corporation with a number of features such as non-blocking backups, full backup, incremental backup, partial backup and Point in Time Recovery. We often get questions about...

July 28, 2020

Tips for Monitoring MariaDB Replication with ClusterControl

MariaDB replication is one of the most popular high availability solutions for MariaDB and widely used by top companies like and Google. It is very easy to set up, with some trade-offs on the...

July 23, 2020

Comparing MariaDB Server to MariaDB Cluster

MariaDB Server and MariaDB Cluster are open source products powered by the MariaDB Corporation. MariaDB Server is one of the most popular relational databases, it was originally forked from MySQL server. MariaDB Cluster is a...

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