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September 13, 2018

How to Deploy MongoDB for High Availability

Introduction MongoDB has great support for high availability through ReplicaSets. However, deploying a ReplicaSet is not enough for a production-ready system. The latter requires a bit of planning. Deployment is just the initial step, we...

April 27, 2015

How to Configure Drupal with a MongoDB Replica Set

  Drupal’s modular setup allows for different datastores to be integrated as modules, this allows sites to store different types of Drupal data into MongoDB. You can choose to store Drupal’s cache, session, watchdog, block...

January 10, 2014

Installing ClusterControl on an Existing MongoDB Replica Set Using a Bootstrap Script

So, your development project has been humming along nicely on MongoDB, until it was time to deploy the application. That's when you called your operations person and things got uncomfortable. NoSQL, document database, collections, replica...

July 26, 2013

MongoDB Tutorial – On-Premises Cluster Management and Monitoring of MongoDB Replica Sets

  Replica Sets in MongoDB are very useful. They provide multiple copies of data, automated failover and read scalability. A Replica Set can consist of up to 12 nodes, with only one primary node (or...

May 11, 2013

Turning a MongoDB Replica Set into a Sharded Cluster

Replica Sets or Sharded Clusters? ** Diagrams updated on May 22nd. Thanks to Leif Walsh from Tokutek for his feedback. Replica Sets are a great way to replicate MongoDB data across multiple servers and have...

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