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March 31, 2020

MariaDB Backups: What is mariabackup?

It is essential that you choose the right technology for backing up your database as you don’t want to take any risk with your important production data. Also, you want to select a backup tool...

March 26, 2020

Preparing a MySQL or MariaDB Server for Production – Part One

It is extremely important to install and configure a production MySQL server with the necessary packages and tools to smooth-out the operations in the long run. We have seen many cases where troubleshooting or tuning...

March 18, 2020

How to Replace an Intermediate MySQL or MariaDB Master with a Binlog Server using MaxScale

Binary logs (binlogs) contain records of all changes to the databases. They are necessary for replication and can also be used to restore data after a backup. A binlog server is basically a binary log...

March 16, 2020

How to Install and Configure MaxScale for MariaDB

There are different reasons for adding a load balancer between your application and your database. If you have high traffic (and you want to balance the traffic between different database nodes) or you want to...

March 11, 2020

How to Fix a Lock Wait Timeout Exceeded Error in MySQL

One of the most common InnoDB errors is InnoDB lock wait timeout exceeded, for example: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1205 Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction The above simply means the transaction has reached the...

March 5, 2020

Setting Up a Geo-Distributed Database Cluster Using MySQL Replication

A single point of failure (SPOF)  is a common reason why organizations are working towards distributing the presence of their database environments to another location geographically. It's part of the Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity...

March 4, 2020

Using MariaDB Flashback on a MySQL Server

MariaDB has introduced a very cool feature called Flashback. Flashback is a feature that will allow instances, databases or tables to be rolled back to an old snapshot. Traditionally, to perform a point-in-time recovery (PITR),...

February 26, 2020

How to Protect Your MySQL & MariaDB Database Against Cyberattacks When on a Public Network

It is sometimes inevitable to run MySQL database servers on a public or exposed network. This is a common setup in a shared hosting environment, where a server is configured with multiple services and often...

February 20, 2020

How to Protect your MySQL or MariaDB Database From SQL Injection: Part Two

In the first part of this blog we described how ProxySQL can be used to block incoming queries that were deemed dangerous. As you saw in that blog, achieving this is very easy. This is...

February 13, 2020

Steps to Take if You Have a MySQL Outage

A MySQL outage simply means your MySQL service is not accessible or unresponsive from the other's perspective. Outages can be originated by a bunch of possible causes.. Network issue - Connectivity issue, switch, routing, resolver,...

February 6, 2020

My MySQL Database is Out of Disk Space

When the MySQL server ran out of disk space, you would see one of the following errors in your application (as well as in the MySQL error log): ERROR 3 (HY000) at line 1: Error...

January 13, 2020

Announcing ClusterControl 1.7.5: Advanced Cluster Maintenance & Support for PostgreSQL 12 and MongoDB 4.2

We’re excited to announce the 1.7.5 release of ClusterControl - the only database management system you’ll ever need to take control of your open source database infrastructure.  This new version features support for the latest...

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