How to Deploy Percona Server for MongoDB for High Availability

High availability can be achieved by eliminating all single points of failures, including the database tier. So you can imagine our surprise every time we bump into setups with multiple web servers/applications all hitting one single database instance.
High availability (HA) can be achieved in MongoDB through replication. The term replica set describes a setup where multiple MongoDB processes run and maintain the same data. In this post, we will discuss how to deploy Percona Server for MongoDB to achieve HA.
How to manually deploy Percona Server for MongoDB
We need at least 3 nodes for high availability; a replica set will consist of 1 Primary node, and 2 Secondary nodes. You can use 2 nodes, 1 Primary and 1 Secondary, but you still need an arbiter as a third node. An arbiter node that does not copy and store data, but is involved in the election process of the new Primary when failover happens.
In this example, we are running 3 virtual environments with CentOS Linux release 7.3 as the operating system and will use Percona Server for MongoDB version 4.2 for the installation. The IP Address as below:
- mongo-node8:
- mongo-node9:
- mongo-node10:
Before we jump into the installation, please make sure that all nodes are already configured in /etc/hosts file on each node.
[root@mongo-node9 ~]# cat /etc/hosts mongo-node9 mongo-node9 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 mongo-node8 mongo-node9 mongo-node10
Then, we need to configure the Percona Repository on each of the nodes. After that, enable repository for psmdb42 as shown below:
[root@mongo-node8 ~]# percona-release setup psmdb42
* Disabling all Percona Repositories
* Enabling the Percona Server for MongoDB 4.2 repository
* Enabling the Percona Tools repository
<*> All done!
And then continue install the Percona Server for MongoDB package :
[root@mongo-node8 ~]# yum install percona-server-mongodb*
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
* base:
* extras:
* updates:
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package percona-server-mongodb.x86_64 0:4.2.9-10.el7 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: cyrus-sasl-gssapi for package: percona-server-mongodb-4.2.9-10.el7.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: numactl for package: percona-server-mongodb-4.2.9-10.el7.x86_64
---> Package percona-server-mongodb-debuginfo.x86_64 0:4.2.9-10.el7 will be installed
---> Package percona-server-mongodb-mongos.x86_64 0:4.2.9-10.el7 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: for package: percona-server-mongodb-mongos-4.2.9-10.el7.x86_64
---> Package percona-server-mongodb-server.x86_64 0:4.2.9-10.el7 will be installed
---> Package percona-server-mongodb-shell.x86_64 0:4.2.9-10.el7 will be installed
---> Package percona-server-mongodb-tools.x86_64 0:4.2.9-10.el7 will be installed
--> Running transaction check
---> Package cyrus-sasl-gssapi.x86_64 0:2.1.26-23.el7 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: cyrus-sasl-lib(x86-64) = 2.1.26-23.el7 for package: cyrus-sasl-gssapi-2.1.26-23.el7.x86_64
---> Package numactl.x86_64 0:2.0.12-5.el7 will be installed
---> Package openssl-libs.x86_64 1:1.0.1e-60.el7_3.1 will be updated
--> Processing Dependency: openssl-libs(x86-64) = 1:1.0.1e-60.el7_3.1 for package: 1:openssl-1.0.1e-60.el7_3.1.x86_64
---> Package openssl-libs.x86_64 1:1.0.2k-19.el7 will be an update
--> Running transaction check
---> Package cyrus-sasl-lib.x86_64 0:2.1.26-20.el7_2 will be updated
---> Package cyrus-sasl-lib.x86_64 0:2.1.26-23.el7 will be an update
---> Package openssl.x86_64 1:1.0.1e-60.el7_3.1 will be updated
---> Package openssl.x86_64 1:1.0.2k-19.el7 will be an update
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Dependencies Resolved
Package Arch Version Repository
percona-server-mongodb x86_64 4.2.9-10.el7 psmdb-42-release-x86_64
4.9 k
x86_64 4.2.9-10.el7 psmdb-42-release-x86_64
885 M
x86_64 4.2.9-10.el7 psmdb-42-release-x86_64
10 M
x86_64 4.2.9-10.el7 psmdb-42-release-x86_64
22 M
percona-server-mongodb-shell x86_64 4.2.9-10.el7 psmdb-42-release-x86_64
12 M
percona-server-mongodb-tools x86_64 4.2.9-10.el7 psmdb-42-release-x86_64
30 M
Installing for dependencies:
cyrus-sasl-gssapi x86_64 2.1.26-23.el7 base 41 k
numactl x86_64 2.0.12-5.el7 base 66 k
Updating for dependencies:
cyrus-sasl-lib x86_64 2.1.26-23.el7 base 155 k
openssl x86_64 1:1.0.2k-19.el7 base 493 k
openssl-libs x86_64 1:1.0.2k-19.el7 base 1.2 M
Transaction Summary
Install 6 Packages (+2 Dependent packages)
Upgrade ( 3 Dependent packages)
Total download size: 960 M
Is this ok [y/d/N]:
. . . .
percona-server-mongodb.x86_64 0:4.2.9-10.el7
percona-server-mongodb-debuginfo.x86_64 0:4.2.9-10.el7
percona-server-mongodb-mongos.x86_64 0:4.2.9-10.el7
percona-server-mongodb-server.x86_64 0:4.2.9-10.el7
percona-server-mongodb-shell.x86_64 0:4.2.9-10.el7
percona-server-mongodb-tools.x86_64 0:4.2.9-10.el7
Dependency Installed:
cyrus-sasl-gssapi.x86_64 0:2.1.26-23.el7
numactl.x86_64 0:2.0.12-5.el7
Dependency Updated:
cyrus-sasl-lib.x86_64 0:2.1.26-23.el7
openssl.x86_64 1:1.0.2k-19.el7
openssl-libs.x86_64 1:1.0.2k-19.el7
Repeat the installation on the other nodes. After completing the installation, change the bindIP configuration on /etc/mongod.conf from localhost IP Address to all of private IP Addresses as shown below:
# network interfaces
port: 27017
You can also restrict the IP Address on bindIP parameter for security reasons, just add the IP address with semicolon as a separator.
Ensure we can connect into MongoDB instance between the three nodes as shown below example:
[root@mongo-node8 ~]# mongo --host --port 27017
Percona Server for MongoDB shell version v4.2.9-10
connecting to: mongodb://
Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("99afee8f-a194-4d0a-963a-6dfdc17f5bee") }
Percona Server for MongoDB server version: v4.2.9-10
Server has startup warnings:
2020-10-30T04:38:46.244+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
2020-10-30T04:38:46.244+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** WARNING: Access control is not enabled for the database.
2020-10-30T04:38:46.244+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** Read and write access to data and configuration is unrestricted.
2020-10-30T04:38:46.244+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten] ** You can use to fix it.
2020-10-30T04:38:46.244+0000 I CONTROL [initandlisten]
The next step is to configure replicaset in MongoDB. We need to edit the file /etc/mongod.conf and uncomment the replication section and add parameter replSetName as shown below:
replSetName: "my-mongodb-rs"
We use the replicaset name my-mongodb-rs in this installation. After replication configuration is added, then restart the mongodb service.
$ service mongod restart
Repeat the configuration on the other nodes.
Once done, we need to initialize the replication in one of the nodes. Connect to mongodb and run rs.initiate() command as shown below:
> rs.initiate()
"info2" : "no configuration specified. Using a default configuration for the set",
"me" : "mongo-node8:27017",
"ok" : 1,
"$clusterTime" : {
"clusterTime" : Timestamp(1604036305, 1),
"signature" : {
"keyId" : NumberLong(0)
"operationTime" : Timestamp(1604036305, 1)
As we can see in the nodes, the first node where we initiate the replication will become a PRIMARY node. We need to add the rest of the nodes to join the replication.
Add the other nodes using rs.add() command on PRIMARY nodes as below:
my-mongodb-rs:PRIMARY> rs.add("mongo-node9:27017");
"ok" : 1,
"$clusterTime" : {
"clusterTime" : Timestamp(1604037158, 1),
"signature" : {
"keyId" : NumberLong(0)
"operationTime" : Timestamp(1604037158, 1)
my-mongodb-rs:PRIMARY> rs.add("mongo-node10:27017");
"ok" : 1,
"$clusterTime" : {
"clusterTime" : Timestamp(1604037170, 1),
"signature" : {
"keyId" : NumberLong(0)
"operationTime" : Timestamp(1604037170, 1)
Another option to initiate the Replica Set using initiate() command is to pass the node’s IP address information for all nodes as shown below:
rs.initiate( {
_id: "my-mongodb-rs",
members: [
{ _id: 0, host: "mongo-node8:27017" },
{ _id: 1, host: "mongo-node9:27017" },
{ _id: 2, host: "mongo-node10:27017" }
] })
We can check the current replica set cluster using rs.status() command on any cluster nodes:
my-mongodb-rs:PRIMARY> rs.status()
"set" : "my-mongodb-rs",
"date" : ISODate("2020-10-30T06:27:41.693Z"),
"myState" : 1,
"term" : NumberLong(1),
"syncingTo" : "",
"syncSourceHost" : "",
"syncSourceId" : -1,
"heartbeatIntervalMillis" : NumberLong(2000),
"majorityVoteCount" : 2,
"writeMajorityCount" : 2,
"optimes" : {
"lastCommittedOpTime" : {
"ts" : Timestamp(1604039248, 1),
"t" : NumberLong(1)
"lastCommittedWallTime" : ISODate("2020-10-30T06:27:28.305Z"),
"readConcernMajorityOpTime" : {
"ts" : Timestamp(1604039248, 1),
"t" : NumberLong(1)
"readConcernMajorityWallTime" : ISODate("2020-10-30T06:27:28.305Z"),
"appliedOpTime" : {
"ts" : Timestamp(1604039248, 1),
"t" : NumberLong(1)
"durableOpTime" : {
"ts" : Timestamp(1604039248, 1),
"t" : NumberLong(1)
"lastAppliedWallTime" : ISODate("2020-10-30T06:27:28.305Z"),
"lastDurableWallTime" : ISODate("2020-10-30T06:27:28.305Z")
"lastStableRecoveryTimestamp" : Timestamp(1604039245, 1),
"lastStableCheckpointTimestamp" : Timestamp(1604039245, 1),
"electionCandidateMetrics" : {
"lastElectionReason" : "electionTimeout",
"lastElectionDate" : ISODate("2020-10-30T05:38:25.155Z"),
"electionTerm" : NumberLong(1),
"lastCommittedOpTimeAtElection" : {
"ts" : Timestamp(0, 0),
"t" : NumberLong(-1)
"lastSeenOpTimeAtElection" : {
"ts" : Timestamp(1604036305, 1),
"t" : NumberLong(-1)
"numVotesNeeded" : 1,
"priorityAtElection" : 1,
"electionTimeoutMillis" : NumberLong(10000),
"newTermStartDate" : ISODate("2020-10-30T05:38:25.171Z"),
"wMajorityWriteAvailabilityDate" : ISODate("2020-10-30T05:38:25.180Z")
"members" : [
"_id" : 0,
"name" : "mongo-node8:27017",
"health" : 1,
"state" : 1,
"stateStr" : "PRIMARY",
"uptime" : 3014,
"optime" : {
"ts" : Timestamp(1604039248, 1),
"t" : NumberLong(1)
"optimeDate" : ISODate("2020-10-30T06:27:28Z"),
"syncingTo" : "",
"syncSourceHost" : "",
"syncSourceId" : -1,
"infoMessage" : "",
"electionTime" : Timestamp(1604036305, 2),
"electionDate" : ISODate("2020-10-30T05:38:25Z"),
"configVersion" : 7,
"self" : true,
"lastHeartbeatMessage" : ""
"_id" : 1,
"name" : "mongo-node9:27017",
"health" : 1,
"state" : 2,
"stateStr" : "SECONDARY",
"uptime" : 226,
"optime" : {
"ts" : Timestamp(1604039248, 1),
"t" : NumberLong(1)
"optimeDurable" : {
"ts" : Timestamp(1604039248, 1),
"t" : NumberLong(1)
"optimeDate" : ISODate("2020-10-30T06:27:28Z"),
"optimeDurableDate" : ISODate("2020-10-30T06:27:28Z"),
"lastHeartbeat" : ISODate("2020-10-30T06:27:40.520Z"),
"lastHeartbeatRecv" : ISODate("2020-10-30T06:27:40.519Z"),
"pingMs" : NumberLong(0),
"lastHeartbeatMessage" : "",
"syncingTo" : "mongo-node8:27017",
"syncSourceHost" : "mongo-node8:27017",
"syncSourceId" : 0,
"infoMessage" : "",
"configVersion" : 7
"_id" : 2,
"name" : "mongo-node10:27017",
"health" : 1,
"state" : 2,
"stateStr" : "SECONDARY",
"uptime" : 201,
"optime" : {
"ts" : Timestamp(1604039248, 1),
"t" : NumberLong(1)
"optimeDurable" : {
"ts" : Timestamp(1604039248, 1),
"t" : NumberLong(1)
"optimeDate" : ISODate("2020-10-30T06:27:28Z"),
"optimeDurableDate" : ISODate("2020-10-30T06:27:28Z"),
"lastHeartbeat" : ISODate("2020-10-30T06:27:40.520Z"),
"lastHeartbeatRecv" : ISODate("2020-10-30T06:27:40.688Z"),
"pingMs" : NumberLong(0),
"lastHeartbeatMessage" : "",
"syncingTo" : "mongo-node8:27017",
"syncSourceHost" : "mongo-node8:27017",
"syncSourceId" : 0,
"infoMessage" : "",
"configVersion" : 7
"ok" : 1,
"$clusterTime" : {
"clusterTime" : Timestamp(1604039248, 1),
"signature" : {
"keyId" : NumberLong(0)
"operationTime" : Timestamp(1604039248, 1)
How to use ClusterControl to deploy Percona Server for MongoDB
ClusterControl supports deployment for Percona Server for MongoDB versions 4.4, 5.0, 6.0, and 7.0. The deployment is straightforward, you just need to go to Deploy, and choose the MongoDB Replicaset tab as shown below:
Next, fill in the cluster name and add any tags to make it easier to find your cluster.
And fill in the SSH user, password, port — ClusterControl requires you to set up passwordless SSH between the controller node and target database node before installation.
After clicking “Continue”, you will configure your nodes:
Choose Percona as a Vendor, select the Version you want to install. If you have a custom MongoDB data directory, you need to specify it. Set admin user and password for your MongoDB. If you want to use another port instead of using default (re. 27017), you can change it to another port number. Your last step will be to input the IP addresses of your target database nodes:
Once all IPs are added, you can preview and deploy your cluster. After deployment finished, you can view cluster metrics in the Dashboards panel, view its topology and perform node-specific operations in the Nodes panel and set up other operations from their respective panels.
Wrapping up
In this post, we should you how to deploy a Percona Server for MongoDB ReplicaSet HA cluster manually and through ClusterControl. As you see, it is a pretty straightforward affair; however, it’s the day-2 ops that become a headache.
Failover, backup and restore, even upgrades, can pose significant challenges in production environments — this is why you may want to use a platform such as ClusterControl to help you reliably manage your operations at scale.
See for yourself, try it for free for 30-days in the environment of your choice. Not ready? Sign up for our newsletter in the right-hand panel or follow us on X or LinkedIn to stay up-to-date on everything database ops!