
Webinar Replay: How To Set Up SQL Load Balancing with HAProxy

Jean-Jérôme Schmidt


Thanks to everyone who attended and participated in last week’s webinar on ‘How To Set Up SQL Load Balancing With HAProxy’! 

If you missed the sessions or would like to watch the webinar again & browse through the slides, they are now available online.

Webinar Replay: How To Set Up Load Balancing with HAProxy

We covered the concepts around the popular open-source HAProxy load balancer, and demonstrated how to use it with your SQL-based database clusters. We also discussed HA strategies for HAProxy with Keepalived and Virtual IP.


  • What is HAProxy?
  • SQL Load balancing for MySQL
  • Failure detection using MySQL health checks
  • High Availability with Keepalived and Virtual IP
  • Use cases: MySQL Cluster, Galera Cluster and MySQL Replication
  • Alternative methods: Database drivers with inbuilt cluster support, MySQL proxy, MaxScale, ProxySQL

Watch the Replay

Read the Slides


Alex Yu, VP Products, Severalnines


HAProxy stands for High Availability Proxy, and is a great TCP/HTTP load balancer. It distributes a workload across a set of servers to maximize performance and optimize resource usage. 

For more information in advance of the webinar, check out our MySQL Load Balancing with HAProxy – Tutorial.

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