How to achieve PCI compliance for MySQL & MariaDB with ClusterControl

Join Laurent Blume, Unix Systems Engineer & PCI Specialist and Vinay Joosery, CEO at Severalnines, as they discuss all there is to know about how to achieve PCI compliance for MySQL & MariaDB with ClusterControl.
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) is a set of technical and operational requirements defined by the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) to protect cardholder data. These standards apply to all entities that store, process or transmit cardholder data – with requirements for software developers and manufacturers of applications and devices used in those transactions.
PCI data that resides in a MySQL or MariaDB database must of course also adhere to these requirements, and database administrators must follow best practices to ensure the data is secured and compliant. The PCI standards are stringent and can easily require a spiraling amount of time spent on meeting their requirements. Database administrators can end up overwhelmed when using software that was not designed for compliance, often because it long predates PCI itself, as is the case for most database systems in use today.
That is why, as often as possible, reliable tools must be chosen to help with that compliance, easing out the crucial parts. Each time the compliance for one requirement can be shown to be implemented, working, and logged accordingly, time will be saved. If well-designed, it will only require regular software upgrades, a yearly review and a moderate amount of tweaking to follow the standard’s evolution over time.
This webinar focuses on PCI-DSS requirements for a MySQL or MariaDB database back-end managed by ClusterControl in order to help meet these requirements. It will provide a MySQL and MariaDB user focussed overview of what the PCI standards mean, how they impact database management and provide valuable tips and tricks on how to achieve PCI compliance for MySQL & MariaDB with ClusterControl.
Content of the webinar
- Introduction to the PCI-DSS standards
- The impact of PCI on database management
- Step by step review of the PCI requirements
- How to meet the requirements for MySQL & MariaDB with ClusterControl
- Conclusion
- Q&A