Managed PostgreSQL on-prem, in the cloud, or both

Version 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

Get managed PosgreSQL with the freedom to host it on-prem, in the cloud, or both? ClusterControl simplifies Day 2 ops for you through intelligent automation wherever you want. Simplify scaling, failover, backups, and upgrades with intelligent automation—wherever you need them.


Why Choose ClusterControl for PostgreSQL?

Experience worry-free database automation with ClusterControl—the trusted solution for enterprises and startups alike. Whether you’re operating on-premises, in the cloud, or a hybrid of both, our platform helps you:

Simplify Management: Enjoy an intuitive UI that minimizes manual tasks so you can focus on growth.

Automate Operations: Handle scaling, backup, and failover seamlessly.

Achieve High Availability: Use advanced load balancing with HAProxy, Keepalived, and PgBouncer.

Flexibly Deploy: Choose the environment that best suits your business—private cloud, multi-cloud, or hybrid.

Many of our applications that we use to deliver care to our patients rely on database backends that we host locally. Most of these systems are mission critical and uptime is of utmost importance, as is reliable backup and restoration processes to prevent data loss.


ClusterControl for PostgreSQL tech highlights

Supported Distributions

Choose from top PostgreSQL distributions to match your performance and scalability needs:

PostgreSQL: the OS distribution from PostgreSQL Development Group

EnterpriseDB: a proprietary distribution that extends OS PostgreSQL

TimescaleDB: an extension for time series workloads in Postgres

Replication & High Availability

Optimize your database infrastructure with robust replication options:

Streaming Replication: Maintain real-time data sync.

Synchronous Replication: Ideal for failover and read-only load balancing.

Asynchronous Replication: Perfect for remote disaster recovery.

Key Features

Cluster Management: Easily deploy, import, add, duplicate, or decommission nodes.

Automated Failover: Ensure high availability with intelligent load balancers.

Backup & Restore: Perform full, differential, or incremental backups—with local or cloud storage options.

Security & Compliance: Benefit from role-based access control, key management, LDAP integration, and TLS encryption.

Next-Gen Capabilities: Leverage the pgvector extension to accelerate AI-driven workloads and vector similarity searches.

Seamless Upgrades: Execute major in-place upgrades with minimal downtime.

Postgres & ClusterControl

Managed PostgreSQL features list

Open Sourcecheck
Cluster management
Deploy / importcheck
Add / duplicate / remove / decommission nodecheck
High availability
Load balancerscheck
Automated failovercheck
Asynchronous / synchronous replicationcheck
Backup / restore
Full / differential / incremental backupscheck
Backup compression / encryptioncheck
Local / cloud backupscheck
Infrastructure / database / query monitoringcheck
Dashboarding / alertingcheck
Security / compliance
Role-based access controlcheck
Key managementcheck
LDAP integrationcheck
TLS encryptioncheck
Audit logcheck

Get the ClusterControl for PostgreSQL one-pager

Choose the CC plan that fits your use case and preferred payment terms


For deployment and monitoring

  • Deployment and monitoring
  • Performance advisors
  • Community support

starts atFree

Check out the feature list


For small production deployments

  • Includes all Advanced features
  • Deploy up to 5 nodes
  • Pay-as-you-go

starts at€250*per node, per month

Check out the feature list


For production deployments

  • Scaling and failover
  • Deploy load balancers
  • Business hours support

for pricingContact Us

Check out the feature list


For enterprise-grade deployments

  • Operations Center and reporting
  • Enhanced security features
  • 24×7 support

for pricingContact Us

Check out the feature list

Ready to automate PostgreSQL ops in any environment? Try it free for 30-days.

Top rated Docs

Create a Database Cluster docs

Nodes docs

Backups docs

Top rated Blogs

PostgreSQL Bi-Directional Logical Replication — A Deep Dive

Vector Similarity Search with PostgreSQL’s pgvector – A Deep Dive

An Overview of Caching for PostgreSQL

Security & compliance you can trust

ClusterControl is built with enterprise-grade security to safeguard your data and maintain compliance:

Role-Based Access Control & Key Management

LDAP Integration & TLS Encryption

Comprehensive Audit Logs & Reporting

I have a specific need to create replication replicas quite often and am tired of having to tweak homegrown scripts. How have you solved this?

For creating new replicas, rebuilding, or resyncing, it’s just a click of a button, explained here.

My PostgreSQL install has just been created and had data imported from other sources. Will I have to repeat this for ClusterControl to work?

No. Just import the PostgreSQL instance into ClusterControl, and then you can add replicas as you see fit.

I’m new to PostgreSQL and HAProxy and worried about how to configure both properly. How can I do this safely?

Check out the configurations page that gives you the ability to adjust the pg_hba.conf and postgresql.conf files from the GUI.

6 easy steps to get started with ClusterControl