Ready to trial ClusterControl free for 30 days?
Simply submit the form below to access your unique installation ID and follow the steps of your preferred method, install script, GUI, or Helm. You can check out a quick tutorial below to see how to use the most common method here.
Curious what the installation process looks like?
This video depicts the ClusterControl installation process using the installer script.
System requirements:
Hardward (minimum):
Architecture: x86_64 only
RAM: >2 GB
CPU: >2 cores
Disk space: >40 GB
Supported OS:
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x/9.x
Rocky Linux 8.x/9.x
AlmaLinux 8.x/9.x
Ubuntu 18.04/20.04/22.04/24.04 LTS
Debian 10.x/11.x/12.x
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP3/15 SP4
For a detailed description, visit our documentation.

What operating systems does ClusterControl support?
ClusterControl is supported on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Rocky Linux, AlmaLinux, Ubuntu, Debian, and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server. You can find the specific versions supported and how they map to supported databases here.
Where can I find a full list of installation requirements for ClusterControl?
You can find a full list of hardware, OS, SSH and other requirements here.
Where can I find detailed installation documentation and what if I run into trouble when installing ClusterControl?
When you enter your information on the /get-started page, you will be provided your own unique key, as well as detailed instructions for different installation methods. Check out our Getting Started information here for easy to follow documentation. Additionally, you can always reach out to our expert support engineers here.
I am looking for CCX, where can I register for it?
You can register for CCX here.