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September 6, 2019

An Overview of the JOIN Methods in PostgreSQL

In my previous blog, we discussed various ways to select, or scan, data from a single table. But in practical, fetching data from a single table is not enough. It requires selecting data from multiple...

November 19, 2018

Linking & Creating MongoDB Joins Using SQL: Part 3

Multiple JOINS in a single query Multiple JOINS are normally associated with multiple collections, but you must have a basic understanding of how the INNER JOIN works (see my previous posts on this topic). In...

November 13, 2018

Linking & Creating MongoDB Joins Using SQL: Part 2

JOIN is one of the key distinct features between SQL and NoSQL databases. In SQL databases, we can perform a JOIN between two tables within the same or different databases. However, this is not the...

November 6, 2018

Linking & Creating MongoDB Joins Using SQL: Part 1

SQL is the most preferred way of engaging relational databases as far as querying is concerned. It’s understood that users would have worked with relational databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL that employ the SQL...

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