We’re Severalnines

Self-funded and with founders who’ve been in the database industry since 2001, we built our credibility around open-source database operations as a result of our values-driven approach in building products that deliver Wow! moments to our customers and the exceptional team that delivers them.

Severalnines team

Values, open-source, innovation

Driven by values

  • Team first
  • High standards
  • Extreme ownership
  • Pragmatic creativity
  • Sincerity

Committed to open-source

With ex-MySQLers as founders, we’re not only committed to the promise of open-source, but its spirit, which is why we do things like offer a free tier, present at open-source events, and build products that enable people to employ OS databases anywhere.

Driving innovation

Whether we’re talking about the class of its own ClusterControl or the next step in DBaaS, Sovereign DBaaS, we leverage our knowledge, and vendor and customer relationships to develop products and ideas that deliver meaningful, practical innovation.

Our company

The Severalnines founders, ex-MySQLers from the early days, have dedicated over a decade to helping telcos and other enterprises with demanding data requirements deploy highly-available database clusters. Along with 50+ teammates, they continue that mission by enabling our customers to build sophisticated, resilient database implementations, such as Sovereign DBaaS, on-premises, in the cloud, or both by leveraging open-source databases and our intelligent orchestration tools.



If you’re looking for your next opportunity and want to be a part of an engaged, potent, thriving team, check out our open roles and reach out.


From infrastructure providers to independent service vendors, we collaborate with over 20 partners to ensure that our customers get the most out of their ClusterControl and CCX deployments.

Brand Book

Our brand

Like our company, our brand is making the DBaaS space more exciting.

If you’re working with us or are just curious, please take a look at our Brand Book to know who we are and how to properly embody Severalnines.

Meet our management team

Our management team is comprised of members with extensive experience in the database and DBaaS market working at some of the most well-known and established brands in the space before starting their journey at Severalnines (or founding Severalnines for that matter)!

Vinay Joosery

Vinay Joosery

CEO and co-founder

Johan Andersson

Johan Andersson

CTO and co-founder

Alexander Yu

Alexander Yu

VP Product

Krzysztof Książek

Krzysztof Książek

Director of Support

Simona Lazea

Simona Lazea

VP Sales

Kyle Buzzell

Kyle Buzzell

Director of Marketing